1. Udine 2018 Review: BE WITH YOU, Pleasant Fantasy Drama Stays the ...
1 mei 2018 · Based on a Japanese book by Takuji Ichikawa published in 2003 that ... 지금 만나러 갑니다. Around the Internet. From the WebPowered by ...
The Korean fantasy romance, a genre that has spawned modern classics such as Il Mare and Ditto, has fallen on hard times in recent years but makes a strong case for a return to form with Be With You, an...
2. Be With You (지금만나러갑니다 / 2018 / South Korea) Review
Heartbreaking, uplifting and life-affirming at once, Be With You positively screams of classic Korean melodrama in spite of being based on a Japanese novel.
Hangul Celluloid - Be With You (지금만나러갑니다 / 2013) Review: Heartbreaking, uplifting and life-affirming at once, Be With You positively screams of classic Korean melodrama in spite of being based on a Japanese novel... and that's before we even consider the fact that the star of the film is New Korean Cinema’s ‘Queen of Melodrama’, Son Ye-jin.
3. Be with You (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
12 aug 2024 · Original Title 지금 만나러 갑니다. Status Released. Original Language Korean. Budget -. Revenue $18,588,844.00. Keywords. based on novel or book ...
Along with his young son, Ji-ho, Woo-jin misses his wife Soo-a, who died after promising to return a year later with the rainy season. Miraculously, they reunite with Soo-a when the rainy season comes around, but she has no memory of her husband and son whom she dearly loved.
4. Be with You (지금 만나러 갑니다, Lee Jang-hoon, 2018)
Bevat niet: based | Resultaten tonen met:based
A father and son receive a miracle visitation from their late wife and mother, knowing that they must part again when the rainy season ends.
5. Be With You (2018) - The Movie Database
Oorspronkelijke titel 지금 만나러 갑니다. Status Uitgebracht. Oorspronkelijke taal Koreaans. Budget -. Opbrengst $18,588,844.00. Trefwoorden. based on novel or ...
Op haar sterfbed belooft Soo-ah haar echtgenoot Woo-jin en haar zoontje Ji-ho dat zij bij het begin van het volgende regenseizoen nog eenmaal zal terugkeren om voor hen te zorgen.
6. LKFF 2018 Teaser Screening: Be With You | London Korean Links
30 mrt 2018 · It'll be interesting to see the genre re-booted. Be With You (지금 만나러 갑니다) ... based on Japanese author Takuji Ichikawa's bestselling novel ...
The plot of this movie, the first teaser screening for the 2018 film festival, makes me think of those yearning, understated love stories of the early 2000s such as The Classic. It'll be interesting to see the genre re-booted. Be With You (지금 만나러 갑니다) Director: Lee Chang-hoon (2018, 132 ins) Cast: So Ji-sub |
7. Review: Be With You - The Reel Bits
Bevat niet: based | Resultaten tonen met:based
“I work or lurk.”
8. Film review: Be With You | London Korean Links
Film review: Be With You. by Philip Gowman posted 11 Jun 2018 updated 21 ... Lee Jang-hoon (이장훈) Be with you (지금 만나러 갑니다, 2017) score-2 score-1.
Ten years ago or so I was watching a rather good relationship drama on DVD when my wife came into the room and asked: “so which of the two has the mysterious incurable disease?” “It’s not one of those films,” I replied, somewhat tetchily. Ten minutes later, a car crash killed off one half of