Dear Abby Connef of Large New Card Craze Is Due to Hit the U. S. His Wife Is a Slave To Crossword Puzzles Irt 1 UQDuCDlKP By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: My wife is a crossword puzzle nut. That's the 3Mirsw of Want 3Mmi first thing she goes for in the newspaper, and By JOSEPH WIUTNEI, Coualtaat heaven help this as a favorable 'as to their individual worth. DEAR DOPE: Only a big square would surrender to a lot of little squares.
The 5-let-ter-word that should give a woman a feeling of complete achievement, satisfaction and pleasure, is HUBBY not HOBBY. DEAR ABBY: I have a son six months old, and I want to take him for a hair-cut, but everytime I mentioned it to a friend relative they tell me adding, "Why don't we skip it? It's not very Important." CONFIDENTIAL TO GRANDMA of TWELVE: If all the sins of your own lifetime were contained in one big stone, could you lift it high enough to throw at an unwed mother? Getting nmrrted? For new pamphlet, "Hou to Have a Lorely Wedding," send 50c to ABBY, Box 3365, interpret response, If V. anyone who bothers her while she is working a crossword puzzle. She has worked books of cross-word puzzles, and is, always on the lookout for more. She Beverly Hills, Calif.
It you want a paraonal raply trim Abby. write to her ta rare of thia not to because they say it will keep him from talking at an early age. Is this true? Also, how old do you think a baby boy should be before he gets his Are most women uninformed on sex? tl even takes them Abby paper, enclosins a tumped envelop. Che antwara ALU letter. Answer: Many women have a to bed with her.
If she cets Do football warm-ups improve performance? Answer: Experiments first hair-cut? at lot of misinformation about sex, stumped, her disposition is Springfield College in Massa- Dut not 10 tne extent mat men ruined. 1 can't even get a kiss do. In one study at Duke Uni-I frrrr Yietn until rha'p finlcKn CONFUSED. DEAR CONFUSED: There chusetts found that V1 l.Ofil nnmarripfi mwlu- i -jiici uuoawuiu ux.ic nuw uucs is NO truth in the story that rv and 1,008 unmarried women a husband buck competition like hair-cut will deter a baby this? warm-ups (massage, hot showers, general exercise, etc.) aimed at raising body temperature do not improve athletic from talking at an early age, A baby boy should have his BRIDGE AT THE BEACH: A trumped ace means divorce. bore? Can you tell if you're a FOUR-LETTER-WORD MEANING DOPE.
What's on the horizon? By HARD CANNEL first hair-cut when he starts to look like a girl wearing performance. It was also noted Answer: Usually not, and'eurs to him to evaluate the re- Not much, a 27-nation poll NEW YORK (NEA) Hurry were given a comprenensive sex-inventory test. The average male score was 53.72 compared to 55.06 for the women. This was attributed to women's greater opportunity for reliable sex information: women's magazines carry more informative articles on. sex than general boys' clothes.
that the chief value of the athletic training table, serving such up and deal while you still by the Association of Ameri. Sfiorf Ribs even your best friend won't tell'ceptiveness of his listeners, you. The chronic bore has Probably most of us are boring compulsive need to be listened! at times. People generally re-to. When he is talkng to one! act passively to boring elis can Playing Card Manufacture know what you're doing.
If i fare as rare meat and special DEAR ABBY: When my hus ers reveals. The British Com history holds to course, we've band and I were married, I desserts, is psychological. This special attention tends to give monwealth is still playing got only about six months be- or more persons his feelings are course, and the ego-needs of the ivl pvi liia was a widow with two children, t.1 1 1 Ti 1 i players a sense of reassurance, magazines fore the next big game craze ui.j-i.. uy is sun Paying 'turncd inward and it never oc- discourscr usually cause him to and he was a widower with three. We have been married four years now and I have nus me u.
o. cara iodic cwu, ucium And as 132 million of us areisti1' P11) card players first (and do-ilf clse stl11 P11" yourself ers second), even thej av adopted his children and he has Goren on Bridge Young Hobby Club adopted mine. We all have the same surname and are a very (goldT) DID NOU A Hit A VEIN has To- CAPPY CAPPY object or scoring can be a very! UAM jt 'turned up. however, in By CHARLES GOREN IThe dummy covered with the Both vulnerable, both have a kln and East cashed the ace- happy family, My only problem is inquisitive friends who constantly ask, "Which children are 90 part score. South deals.
queen of hearts and continued with the South ruffing. At least that's how it has! ronto New York. Chicago Mi-always been. Take a look at imtngce anf, urban' the record- South Afnca- 11 sPlte' T.f in and-malice. The card makers yours and which are your hus band's?" I am sometimes asked By DICK this in the presence of the chil Declarer could not afford to attack trumps without first dislodging the ace of diamonds, so he led the king and East was in.
East selected the best game called Canasta merchants are watching it dren, and this puzzles them be out of Argentina to overwhelm cause they know they all belong decks and four jokers Eat as usual and loss weight. All you have to do i travel directly from the North, Pole to the equator. Because there's less gravitational pull at the equator, you weigh less there than at the poles. If you weigh 200 at the poles, you'rt 199 at the equator. ARTISTRY PRESERVED.
Wood panel doors which art faithful reproductions of authentic Colonial designs ara available as stock items from building materials dealers. to both of us. How should I handle this? The fifth joker, unhappily for production planning, is the fact that new game crazes nev defense when he returned a fourth round of hearts. South discarded a club' and ruffed in dummy but the Indiscriminate America. In no time its influence spread to women's clothes, accessories, home furnishings even men's wear.
A decade tarlier the new game was gin rummy. Sched TONGUE-TIED. DEAR TONGUE TIED: serving as the top of the elephant's trunk, back and draw1 the shape s'hown in Figure 1. From the tip of the trunk to the tip of the tail make the animal five inches long and one and three-fourths inches high. Cut along the outline through both thicknesses of the folded paper (but don't cut along the fold).
Next, fold the paper pattern along the dotted lines in Figure 1. Open the paper part way and you will be able to stand the elephant up on his legs and hi. back will be flat, 'head will, hang downward and fiis'ears will be turned back." IF YOU ARE satisfied er cast their shadows before them. NORTH KI( VK7S QI74I 7S WEST EAST AQ 4107S3 1011 VAQJ82 St. A SC43Z A1I SOUTH 4AJII1 'kqj i The bidding: South West Nortb East 1 Pass Pass 2 choice of card to ruff which cost When faced with this rude questioa reply.
"They are all OUR children." If the curious A man named Harold Van 1 him the contract. He carelessly ules, contracts and weddings rim JL derbilt just happened to in. trumped with the lour of spades. He then cashed the king, fell persist, call a. halt, to It by cruise.
Gin vrunmy was, in- some 30 years before its ing "West's queen. When the nine of spades was ed; East played lani pH i the ftiVws low and declarer was "stuck i in dummy. When he tried to get len years onivrv, vi jaji, rt v. contract bridge fu-sing M'f with the national SSJS frhave. guessed that so many out with a diamond, East ruffed Sen Stamp.
iSN'tY MUCH Requests for first day covert By SYD KRONISn AP Newsleatures The 50th anniversary of the if mB 1 had the ina to play must be postmarked befort that-nef a -second timw midnight Oct. 5, 1961. bridge. And before that, wliisf. with the appearance of( the and cashed the ace of clubs.
It would have availed declarer nothing at this point to attempt exit from dummy by means a club, for East would, rise Pass Pass 2 A 2 3A tPais Pass Double Pass i Pais Pass Opening lead: Ten of A false sense of economy in and on into the The Republic of China win establishment of the Republic of has received philatelic tribute to. the United States And so on past. paper elephant, open tne pattern and spread it flat upon -the sheet of thin, metal. around it with a Jtr A PARADE OF ELEPHANTS Ti How would you like to have a row of tiny metal tie-phants marching trunK-to-tail across your: You can make them out of very thin sheets of brass, copper and China. issue two anniversary stamp on the same day.
One will bear the portrait of Dr. Sun Yet sen. The higher value stamp with ace and another heart the play of today 'a hand "cost U. S. will issue a 4 cent lead establish a trump I I If at declarer the and rubber.
'hflfplck or a. nail. Cut'th'e commemorative, featuring, a features a national flag and metal along this outline -with' -iAn aggressive attitude had to Three t' Minutes a Day portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen on map of the Republic of an old pair of scissors. Make or aluminum which' can be be adoptedi by.
North and South Oct 10 at Washington, Authori trick for him. Declarer had no early use for the nine of. spades and should have.1fCIfed, with, that card instead -of the four. Oirthe rsec? China. The mainland part of boucht at most hobbv.suD- wo tiny eyes by indenting AND TODAY, all the signs point to a'big change coming again.
Not only are the magical 10 years over, but a survey by the card industry shows that Canasta's popularity is over, leaving first place open. In addition, the traditional sland-by games of poker and zation was made public by the map lies behind the flag. the metal with a ply shops. Taiwan (Formosa) is high point. in the bidding due W-the part score situation.
In, our" view) East's overcall was not well chosen. Despite the fact that two hearts was sufficient for! ond lead of trumps he would tfS MORE ACAPllURY, "I ,1 By James Keller HIGH QUALIFICATIONS FOR TEACHERS. bridge are showing signs of revival, and specialty shops game, our preference would have been a take-out double to rtv People with a high sense of say an ancient and involved have been in position to finesse the eight of spades and pick up the entire BIDDING SUMMARY A copy of Charles H. Gor-en's folder. "Point Count Bidding Summary," Is available to Waterloo Daily Courier Figure 2 shows what the parade will look like and Figure 1 shows how to cut a pattern from paper.
When you have completed the pattern you trace its outlini on the thin metal and cut it out'. TO MAKE THE pattern, fold a sheet of in half. With the fold purpose are urgently needed to card game; called Tarot is in Bend the metal at the, same places where you folded the paper. The elephant will then stand erect. Make three or four of the creatures and stand them trunk-to-tail.
-0 -S TOMORROW: How to win a. set of books in an easy contest! show the high card strength. If West should bid two diamonds, East would have a convenient retreat to two hearts. demand all in all a ripe time train teachers in East Africa. lighted symbolizing the pre sent division.
THE UNITED Nations Postal Administration reports that it will issue its fourth commemorative stamp of the year on Oct. 24. The new adhesiva will honor the U. N. Economic Commission for Africa.
The 4 cents will be blue, orange, yel low and light brown. The 1 1 cents will be green, orange, rAl1nf ft 4 A i tr Itrmtm The standards for the 150 in 5 1 for a fast i shuffle and a new deal. a) structors to be selected for the government-sponsored but pri readers. Send 15 cents to As the bidding did proceed, East found that he had to try a precarious double. West opened the ten of hearts.
vately run program wUl necessarily be high. Bridge Editor. Waterloo Dally Courier, Waterloo. Iowa. As one spokesman described To Your Good Health Senior, forum; Redder Talks Back it, the teachers must not only be competent but also "they must be personally resourceful Hollywood tu and imaginative in surmounting the unexpected, the difficult or the routine.
There Are Several Sources of Bad Breath By PAUL 1IIGHTOWER "They must be capable re cuvw aim u. a wiu Further details concerning, tha new issue and first day cover will appear in this column as soon as they become available. VOLUME II of Scott's 1962 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue has 52,636 price changes and additions. The newty published II covers the nations of Europe, Asia and Africa. The book fills- 476 pages with a total of Eva Marie Has Learned To Weather the Storm (Q) "You and other smart lating themselves readily to new aletks have been preaching sjtuations, new associates and 2 SUN YAT-'SEN More inquiries about bad an effect.
And I can't help be- lieving, without having scientific inai oiaer parenw biiqu.u,,, friends With trace of not give any of their money they must be able to their children until theyit0 coopcrate wuh Africa in edu-die. Here's how wrong you cating lt.elfi President Kennedy "recently proof, that some people smell worse than others as the result breath "What causes it?" "What can I do about it?" Not so mnny years ago such letter ri ters during his meetings with Vice tactics. It fell mainly on Eva President Chen Cheng of of eating certain things, And for still one other pos re. i lhev must he animated bv a Marie. "It rained everywhere China.
"Nine years ago I a s'Spjrit of service that is realistic, brush mv 7 sibility. with some individuals we went on hill and plain. The new stamp will depict, By ERKSKINE JOHNSON Hollywood Correspondent HOLLYWOOD (NEA) An actress doesn't need the role of Sadie Thompson to become involved with rain. Not auuui, fu noi senumcniai, oy spun 01 teeth three cutting down on sugar helps she reported. above the portrait of Dr.
Sun Yat-sen. the 12-point White Although I have some theories, I can't offer positive reasons THERE WAS nothing sym appliance ousincss i swtneu. adventure that is durable, not times a day and 1 1 needed $7,500. Mother said romantic." jusc a mo ut h- no. 1 went under, got backl Today's dramatic what on my feet and now have an'dcmnnd a high degree of ex-Li m.M i.
-js Sun symbol adapted from the It's some vagary of physical when her name is Eva Marie flag of the Republic. The bolic, however, about the rain on Eva Marie Saint in the chemistry, I guess But Chinese characters represent imomc wa manes ce ence a us. Use the down on sweets, cake climactic scene of her latest the words "The Republic of China." i r. 1 1 1 1 film "All Fall Down" She We have an all-wet Miss Saint with us today. She was look puny.
labilities God has given you Ini T0dav how- "So what happens? This way that will strengthen the'evcri "people spring Mother dies and wills world end stand you in good' reai'Zc that bml for some. said. "I guess I was due for Collectors desiring first day 291 stamp issues. The price is $8. Volume I for the United States, United Nations, British Commonwealth and Latin America will be released ii October.
ISRAEL HAS issued four at tractively designed, illustrated postal envelopes, reports ths Israel Philatelic Agency in America. The new postal items are the first postal stationery to be issued by Israel since 1949. Each envelope will beaf an imprinted 25 agorot airmail stamp and illustrate different development projects bein conducted in Israel. this." me jme years bo stead on Judgment uay. jbreath may bel cancellations may send their addressed envelopes, together with remittance to cover the wouia nave oeen magic.t "Larctully study to present 'mm-.
Dr. Molner When it rains at MGM, it pours. The studio rainmaker has been frustrated ever since A l'INAL POSSIBILITY is disease of the gall bladder or stomach, which may or may not be associated with how much A i I S' thyself approved unto God, a matter of the mouth. Now? Nuts'." R. C.
cost of the stamps to be workman that ncedeth not to be It is true that denial disease he worked with Joan Craw (A) Who told you when you ashamed." affixed, to the Postmaster, Washington 13, D. C. The out can cause bad breath. Some-fat we cat. If, for one example, ford in "Rain," and even (2 Timothy "light showers" become down came into this world that your Mother should give you life, plus side envelope to the Postmaster should be clearly marked "First Day Covers Sun Yat- standing in a puddle looking like Miss Drip of 1961.
Her clothes were oozing water and she was wearing a raindrop, on her nose. The raindrop on her nose was very attractive, although it had nothing to do with her role of an "old-maid-at-30." The MGM studio Tainmaker had offered Eva Marie her choice heated or cold rain. "Let's be she had said, true to her "method" training as an actress. The rainmaker was delighted with her choice. Heat pours.
He was letting Eva Marie have it good as "Echo," Grant me the grace, Lord, to be a realist without losing 1 She owes you something aft' the girl who goes off on er you're grown? And my spiritual motivation. rainy night after captivating should endanger the security three men in the same family times diseases of the gums cam the gall bladder ii out of order, produce it. And there's another.jour digestion of fats is likely to quite important clement that Is be impaired, too often overlooked. Because of Whether for this reason, or the shape and spacing of teeth, for others, sometimes bad some people are much more breath is relieved if the patient likely to have particles of food switches to vegetable oils in become Jammed between the cooking, and avoids solid fats, teeth, invisibly. Invisibly but.) By and large, I'd certainly A spool of dental floss and a look for the simpler causes of few minutes spent in dragging bad breath, but on some occa-out some of these particles can sions gall bladder or stomach U.S.
Leader I Answer to Previous Puntlt Urb'1 IsfcjlAa two brothers, Warren Beatty and Brandon de Wilde, and DUTCH TREAT. Dutch doors are becoming increasingly popular. The bottom door can be kept closed to prevent children and pets from straying, while the up their father, Karl Maiden. ACROSS Outcry 1U.S. leader, Dr.
'yiu of her.lato years because you don't 'JLn'ow how to sell coffeepots? Nuts! 1 (If rjour question eon be Answered in this space send it The overhead sprinkler sys the Low sand hill tha 6 He tem on the stage gushed water -k tV ing several thousand gallons like a crack in Boulder Dam, per door is open for fresh air. fo All- lug 1Jn i cE pHgujo TAlr; A.It6T6- WlAlT NjLel JAlglBii CT I HJtJA" 5 gpfH if Tt JL 5J i a rjWi te ITI-S-I i iS. A I 31 "tF "ltj RT Ti5Nife'l 5ft lTfOj og stage and Eva Marie was wetter surprise you. And for some pco-'may be worth investigating. ForiOf water on a sound Die.
no amount of brushing will the most Dart, however, it's takes time and money. than a channel swimmer by the time she returned to her MARMADUKE 10 Aiteritk 12 Former Bussian ruler 33 Moat devoted 18 "Blue Eagle" 20 Deviation 21 Importunate 22 Sea nymph 2.1 Prudent 24 Mohammedan get them out. (teeth, gums, food particles, ton- As she stood there, dripping sils. sinuses, nose, bronchial like an icicle in an oven, she Atomic Energy CommiMion It Dormant 13 Small tower 14 Avoid! 15 Saskatchewan capital 1 Banter lab.) 17 Heaven personified 19 Moravian alretm 20 Prevalent dressing room. BUT IF IT ISN'T that what passages, lungs.
Those are to explain that her "It's kind of a shaker role," share of the rain that "into other sources of bad first places to look. she said, 14 bath towels later, rtriaat "I meet this fellow (Beatty) 25 Kipned and his family and because of 27 roneratalta S2 Social Insects 34 Withdraw 38 Damp 40 Garret 41 Granular now 42 Saucy 43 Brio toper 44 lUlianbooM 48 Icelandic ears 47 Pedal digit 48 Gaelic Dutcn cltf K2 Guido's nota 63 Beak 23 Oriental (u tar 28 Froiter me everyining cnances. i each life must fall" ranged from cold and wet to symbolic. Two movies, "Raintree County" and "Hatful of Rain," and the play, "The Rainmaker," had left her comparative 28 llwen character 2 Weights of shake up everybody. Infected tonsils, or sinuses, orj adenoids, or nasal infections, orj "Dear Dr.
Molner: My legs lung diseases. And by the latter, are very unsightly from in-I don't mean tubercoliss. forgrown, embedded hairs. Can there are many lung diseases.lanything be done?" and there are, as well, infections! Beard and the back of the which may not go deeply into neck are the usual area for the lungs but attack the I'm not aware that it hap- 27 Three-toed India SOMETHING ELSE she'd ly dry. like to shake up is her career THERE WERE both "I think I'm due for a change of pace," she said.
"I'd like to chial tubes. Bronchiectasis, pens on the legs. Are you sure do a musical." about which I have written often this is the situation? I'd suggest enough, can also produce bad examination by a dermatologist. and buckets of tears in her life as Claudia in the TV series of "One Man's Family," but She doubted if anyone re breath. membered a stage musical that was expected for a soap "Down In the Valley" which Tony Randall directed.
The opera. "I started out (in her first But let's go on from there. There's a popular misconception that faulty or Irregular elimination may cause bad breath, and that cathartics will help. I sultry-voiced warbling star was Eva Marie. slothi 30 He la Kennedy's appointment! St Hypnotic Ute 3S Stocking ttrap 8S Penetrate 38 Dutch uncle O.S invern mental figure i 39 Roman roads 40 Is present 42 Agreement 45 Follower 48 Summer (Ft.) 49 Click-beetlt SI Seller S4Uve 55 Paasei oref 58 Vntiga 57 Humble DOW! Verrlment 3 Volcanic Rem Japanesai (Mitcaata 4Maarulin nickname Compaaa point movie) rather damp, you know," she laughed.
That was I 14.14 11 (4 (1 ,1 ri p- II 1 rrr rji a pi i5 '3 LI H31 3 in ar hi iTi hi a 144 w) Vi jf'yT 2 1 -J I -j- 1 I I 1 I I DAMP "ECHO" Eva Ma-rie Saint ii not a stranger to rain wetor symbolic ulvj-rious roles. Hep lateit bout with the elements comes during climactic scene in her role as "Echo" in "All Fall Down" now filming. for "On the Waterfront." This was followed by a big rainstorm even Bob Hope couldn't joke about in her second film, "That Certain Feeling." The film was followed by a vacation she and her husband took in Spain, and for which "But I don't sing," she first protested to Tony. "You will," he said. She did the full can't put much slock in this Idea.
But I can, in some cases, TO MRS. H. Yes, pronation (rotation) of the feet in children can be corrected, basically by proper shoes and attention to arch defects. Your local hospital or county medical society can refer you to a capable orthopedist. My lealei, "The Lost Secret Reducing," tells hoio to get rid of it the easy way.
For your copy uirife to Dr. Afotner in care of thin newspaper, enclosing a long, jel addressed, stamped envelope and 5c in coin to cover cost of printing and handling. score of seven numbers. Well, maybe she'll get her chance. agree that what one eats, or how one's digestion works, may be Onions, garlic, leeks and some other foods have, "West Side Story" may i t.
ia. 9-19 crank up a new musical cycle Or MoiniM Mtiramn all mflti mill, but nTM that 4u to tht O-ammrlom volum ractivwt dill; ha unabla la tniwar Individual latlara tartan' Quaitimw ara in. corporator In mi column whrnavw iKibla San all mall to Dr. Molner in car 4 Watarlta Counaj. long overdue.
Promise me YOU'LL slay home tomorrow and should we say, a persistent aroma. Sometimes the foods we are brought up to accept have Eva Marie Saint in "Singing the rain in Spain changed! in the perhaps? let ME go to the office! i j.lVwV-eWkW W-.