What one is supposed to teach and what one wants to teach: perceptions of a history teacher between the beginning of the Portuguese Republic and the start of the New State (2025)

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ABSTRACT: Under the perspective guided by Darnton (1986), this article aims to capture the interpretations made by Ataliba Antonio de Oliveira about the new school movement. It is about a teacher from São Paulo who followed and resisted closely and from within the onslaughts and attempts at pedagogical renewal in progress in the São Paulo school system. By writing more than two hundred chronicles, interpreting among other themes the initiatives of the Escolanovistas in São Paulo, Ataliba de Oliveira pointed out the errors that characterized “the failure of new school reform”. After inventorying and analyzing these chronicles, this article intends to answer the question: How did Ataliba de Oliveira interpret the new school movement and the tentatives of inserting this pedagogical doctrine in the Paulista school apparatus between 1930 and 1940? The comparative logical structures the most of the chronicles, and through them, are revealed his most scathing criticism to the reform, the r...

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"According to the modern pedagogy": lessons, objects and materiality in the Public Instruction of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (1891-1928)

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Cadernos de História da Educação, 2020

This paper analyzes the content of the reports of the general inspectors of the Public Instruction in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from the notions of material and visual school culture, comparing them with other documentary sources and with specialized bibliography. It points to the existence of a concern, followed by action in equipping and provide schools with the innovations of the embryonic educational products market, with views to "civilization" of the population in the positivist model. It notes that State technical professionals were attentive to the practices used in other countries. It concludes that economic and logistics solutions to maintain the supply of this material were created and distinguishes amongst them the school series from Julio de Castilhos Museum, the furniture manufactured in the workshops of the House of Correction and the local adaptation and edition of textbooks.

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Atena Editora


The objective of this article is to explain, based on a recap of academic documents, the most important events during the period of regulation of the Pedagogy course in Brazil between the years 1939 and 1990. The present study analyzes the elaboration of the identity of the course in constant inquiry, as well as ideological constructs of the pedagogue's training about the structure and organization of the course. Mainly in the fragmentation, discredit, ambiguity and separation of the theory and practice of this training, as well as educational policies and the purposes of the world of work. Initially, it aimed to train teachers for teaching in Normal Schools or Education technicians, and later pedagogical qualifications specialized in certain demands would also appear. In this context, the promulgation of opinions and discussions about the existence of the course allowed debates and contradictions throughout the process. This concludes, therefore, an incessant search for the identity of the course in all its occupations and curricula in favor of the affirmation of Pedagogy in Brazil.

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O Manifesto Dos Educadores De 1959 Revisitado: Evento, Narrativas e Discursos

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Cadernos De Pesquisa, 2021

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What one is supposed to teach and what one wants to teach: perceptions of a history teacher between the beginning of the Portuguese Republic and the start of the New State (2025)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.